Pushcart Prize Nominations for 2014 writing
Short, Fast & Deadly/Deadly Chaps Press announced their Pushcart Prize nominations today. Included is my micro prose piece "Ride". Thank you to editors Joseph Quintela and Parker Tettleton.
"We are very proud to announce our Pushcart Nominations from, publications in 2014 at Deadly Chaps Press. Very proud of each of these amazing 6 authors and the many, many, wonderful writers that we publish every year. You didn't make coming up with this list easy! But here it is:
Ten Notes to the Guy Studying Jujitsu, Robert Vaughan, from Diptychs + Tryptichs + Dipshits + Lipsticks (Deadly Chaps Press, April 2014)
Toccata and Fugue, Sophia Starmack, from SF&D Quarterly [Enterview] (Deadly Chaps Press, Spring 2014)
Technology and Nature in Cahoots Against Mario, Rebecca Nison, from SF&D Quarterly (Deadly Chaps Press, Winter 2014)
Two, Randall Brown, from SF&D Quarterly [Enterview] (Deadly Chaps Press, Spring 2014)*
Ride, Jennifer E. Brown, from SF&D Quarterly [Corpse] (Deadly Chaps Press, Fall 2014)*
Caroline and Letty, Carmine Street Pool (excerpt, Section 1, Chapter 9 ), Barbara Rosenthal, from Wish For Amnesia (Deadly Chaps Press, December 2014)
selections Nominated by Parker Tettleton"